All federal statutes and ordinances are published chronologically in the Official Record of Federal Law (in German, French and Italian) and by subject matter in the Systematic Record of Federal Law (in German, French, Italian and Rumantsch). The Confederation is progressively publishing online a compilation of unofficial English translations of its most important laws (see below). The Federal Council publishes in the Federal Journal its dispatches of new bills to the Federal Parliament, and the laws and decisions submitted to referendum (in German, French and Italian).
Each canton publishes its statutes in its own official cantonal collection (Geneva Systematic Collection of Law and Geneva Offical Gazette both in French only;Zurich Systematic Collection of Law and Zurich Offical Gazette, both in German only).
On this page, unless indicated otherwise, the links are to English language pages, from were more resources in German, French and Italian may be accessed.
Civil Code (CC): German, French, Italian, unofficial English translation
Code of Obligations (CO): German, French, Italian, unofficial English translation
Code of Civil Procedure (CCP): German, French, Italian, unofficial English translation
Private International Law Act (PILA): German, French, Italian, unofficial English translation
Guidelines on mutual assistance in civil matters: German, French, Italian, unofficial English translation
Debt Collection and Bankruptcy Act (DCB): German, French, Italian
Penal Code (PC): German, French, Italian, unofficial English translation
Code of Penal Procedure (CPP): German, French, Italian, unofficial English translation
Federal Act on International Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (IMAC): German, French, Italian, unofficial English translation
Federal Act on the Sharing of Forfeited Assets: German, French, Italian
Laws, treaties, ordinances and guidelines on mutual assistance in penal matters on the Federal Office of Justice's page: German, French, Italian, unofficial English translations
Federal Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering in the Financial Sector (LML): German, French, Italian, unofficial English translation
Financial Market Supervision Act (FINMA): German, French, Italian, unofficial English translation
Banking Act (BA): German, French, Italian, unofficial English translation
Other unofficial English translations of laws pertaining to regulation of the financial market can be found on the legislation page of the Financial Markets Regulatory Authority (FINMA).
Embargo Act (EmbA): German, French, Italian, unofficial English translation
Federal Supreme Court (research of cases in German, French and Italian only)
Federal Criminal Court (research of cases in German, French and Italian only)
Office of the Attorney General
Federal Office of Police (fedpol)
Money Laundering Reporting Office Switzerland (MROS)
Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA)
Zurich Judicial Power (in German only)
Geneva Judicial Power (in French only)
Law Faculty of the University of Geneva (mostly in French) and its Centre for Banking and Financial Law
Law Faculty of the University of Zurich (mostly in German)
Illicit assets of politically exposed persons (PEPs) page of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, with a link to the Restitution of Illicit Assets Act (RIAA) (unofficial English translation).
Research by company in the Federal Register of Commerce
Research by director's name on Money House (free registration necessary)