Yves Klein


Recouvrement international d'actifs, anti-corruption, procédures complexes en matière civile, pénale, d'entraide et de faillite, reconnaissance de sentences arbitrales et de jugements étrangers.
Who’s Who Legal Awards 2019, 2022 et 2023: Asset Recovery Lawyer of the Year; Who’s Who Legal Awards Switzerland: Asset Recovery Lawyer of the Year 2019 et 2020




Formation et parcours

Admis au barreau de Genève depuis 1995, Yves Klein est titulaire d’une Licence en droit de l’Université de Genève (1989) et d’un Diplôme d’étude supérieure en droit international de l’Institut Universitaire des Hautes Etudes Internationales de Genève (1993). Il a rejoint l’Etude en 1999.

Après une expérience professionnelle auprès d’organisations internationales et d’une Etude d’avocats à Washington, DC (1994 - 1995), Yves Klein a pratiqué le droit international des affaires, en particulier le droit fiscal et le droit des sociétés, auprès d’une Etude d’avocat genevoise (1995-1998).

Ayant rejoint l’Etude en 1999, il a progressivement concentré son activité sur les procédures transfrontalières civiles et pénales visant le recouvrement d’actifs pour le compte de victimes de la criminalité économique.

Il a notamment  représenté, seul ou aux côtés de ses associés, une dizaine d’Etats étrangers et a permis le recouvrement de plus de 2 milliards de dollars US issus de la corruption et de détournement de fonds publics.

Il s’est également illustré dans la représentation de masses en faillites étrangères de banques ou de sociétés cotées en bourse, recouvrant des dizaines de millions de dollars US pour le compte de leurs déposants, investisseurs ou créanciers.

Originaire du Luxembourg, Yves Klein a, au cours des années, acquis une connaissance professionnelle et culturelle approfondie de l’Amérique Latine, en particulier du Brésil.


L’activité principale d’Yves Klein consiste dans la recherche et le recouvrement international d’actifs, pour le compte de victimes de la criminalité économique, ou de clients cherchant les valeurs que leurs parties adverses ont dissimulées en Suisse ou à l'étranger. Il développe des stratégies internationales de recherche et de recouvrement d’actifs, coordonne les procédures transfrontalières et représente ses clients, qu'il s'agisse d'Etats, de liquidateurs de faillites étrangères, de sociétés ou d'individus, devant les autorités pénales, civiles et de faillite afin de recouvrer le produit des crimes et d’obtenir réparation de leur dommage, notamment contre les tiers ayant contribué à sa survenance (banques, sociétés financières ou fiduciaires).

Yves Klein a reçu le prix avocat de recouvrement d'actifs de l'année de Who’s Who Legal en 2019, 2022 et 2023 et est classé depuis 2019 en Band 1 par Chambers Global en recouvrement d'actifs.


Yves Klein est reconnu depuis plusieurs années par Who’s Who Legal comme l’un des avocats les plus respectés au monde dans le domaine du recouvrement d’actifs : Yves Klein is “fabulous at asset recovery”, laud sources who single him out as one of the heavyweights of global asset recovery practice; a “renowned strategist” who is “extremely adept at developing a method and approach to successfully pursue worldwide asset recovery efforts”; a “sensational lawyer” who specialises in asset recovery litigation and fraud. He earns high praise for his “depth of experience” in the field; Yves Klein is “a thought leader in the sphere of asset recovery”, an area in which “he demonstrates creativity and exemplary technical expertise”. (The International Who’s Who of Asset Recovery Lawyers, 2012-2021). Il a été également sélectionné par Who’s Who Legal comme Asset Recovery Thought Leader depuis 2017 et comme l'avocat le plus respecté dans le domaine du recouvrement d'actifs de la région Europe, Moyen-Orient, Afrique dans l'International Who’s Who of Asset Recovery Lawyers 2017 et 2018 et de Suisse dans les éditions 2017 et 2018 du Who's Who Legal Special Report Switzerland. En 2019, 2022 et en 2023, Yves Klein a reçu le Asset Recovery Lawyer of the Year Award de Who's Who Legal . En 2019 et en 2020, il a reçu le Switzerland Asset Recovery Lawyer of the Year Award de Who's Who Legal .

Selon Chambers and Partners Global Litigation Support Guide, Yves Klein figure en rang 1 (Band 1) depuis 2019: "An asset recovery lawyer at the top of his field, Yves Klein is lauded by numerous sources for his outstanding track record. Interviewees describe him as "a pioneer in the field and an eminent figure in the market" and "the leading practitioner in asset recovery"".

Selon Chambers and Partners Europe White-Collar Crime Guide 2017-2024: "Yves Klein is an expert in anti-money laundering and asset tracing. One interviewee describes him as having "a huge amount of experience in the area. He looks for broader solutions and is easy to get along with." Sources describe him as a "hard worker, who is smart and inventive" and cite his "knowledge, deep expertise and hands-on approach" as particular strengths.

Affiliations professionnelles

Yves Klein représente en Suisse ICC FraudNet, le principal réseau international d’avocats spécialisés dans le recouvrement d’actifs, présent dans plus de 60 pays, créé sous l’égide de la Chambre de Commerce Internationale (CCI).

Yves Klein a été Président du Sous-Comité Recouvrement d'Actifs du Comité Anti-Corruption de l'International Bar Association (IBA), la principale organisation internationale d'avocats, qui compte plus de 80'000 membres à travers le monde. Il est aussi membre du Comité de l’Arbitrage du Comité Contentieux et de la Section Faillite de l'IBA.

Il est également membre de l’Ordre des Avocats de Genève, de la Fédération Suisse des Avocats, de l'ASA Association Suisse de l'Arbitrage et d’INSOL Europe.


Yves Klein publie sur les thèmes du recouvrement international d'actifs, de la corruption et de la criminalité économique depuis 1996.

Publications passées:

SwitzerlandThe Asset Tracing and Recovery Review11ème éd., Law Business Research, Londres, septembre 2023 (co-auteur)

Do you know about the swiss worldwide freezing order ?, ThoughtLeaders4 FIRE | TL4FIRE Magazine, septembre 2023 (co-auteur)

Enforcement of Judgments and Arbitral Awards,  11ème éd.,Thomson Reuters, juin 2023 (co-auteur)

Switzerland Trend and DevelopmentsAnti-Corruption 2023, Global Practice Guide, Chambers & Partners, janvier 2023

SwitzerlandThe Asset Tracing and Recovery Review, 10ème éd., Law Business Research, Londres, septembre 2022 (co-auteur)

Switzerland, Enforcement of Judgments 2022, Chambers Global Practice Guides, Chambers & Partners, Londres, août 2022

Enforcement of Judgments and Arbitral Awards,  10ème éd.,Thomson Reuters, juin 2022 (co-auteur)

A new Swiss §1782? Article 185a PILA and the assistance of Swiss courts in support of foreign arbitral evidentiary proceedingsThoughtLeaders 4 FIRE Magazine, juin 2022 (co-auteur)

Switzerland Trend and DevelopmentsAnti-Corruption 2022, Global Practice Guide, Chambers & Partners, janvier 2022

Trust your standing! Standing of beneficiaries of trusts and foundations in Swiss criminal or mutual assistance proceedingsMondaq, décembre 2021 (co-auteur)

Donnez-moi les clés du coffre ! L’obligation de renseigner des banques suisses dans les procédures de faillite, y compris de fournir des preuves contre elles-même, Mondaq, novembre 2021 (co-auteur)

Better than damages: actions for performance against Swiss banks regarding fraudulent transfers, Mondaq, novembre 2021 (co-auteur)

SwitzerlandThe Asset Tracing and Recovery Review, 9ème éd., Law Business Research, Londres, novembre 2021 (co-auteur)

Switzerland: Post-Brexit Enforcement Of UK Judgments In Switzerland: All Is Not Lost, Mondaq, septembre 2021 (co-auteur)

Switzerland: Privileged Or Not Privileged? Privilege Of Communications With Non-Swiss Lawyers In Criminal Investigations, Mondaq, septembre 2021 (co-auteur)

Switzerland, Enforcement of Judgments 2021, Chambers Global Practice Guides, Chambers & Partners, Londres, septembre 2021

A journey between distant places: how Saad Group’s Cayman liquidators are seeking compensation from foreign banks, Insol World, Q3, novembre 2020 (co-auteur)

Enforcement of judgments and arbitral awards in Switzerland: overview, Enforcement of Judgments and Arbitral Awards in Commercial Matters Global Guide, 6ème éd., Practical Law, Thomson Reuters, Londres, septembre 2020 (co-auteur)

Switzerland, The Asset Tracing and Recovery Review, 8ème éd., Law Business Research, Londres, septembre 2020 (co-auteur)

Switzerland, The Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Review, 8ème éd., Law Business Research, Londres, 2019

Enforcement of judgments and arbitral awards in Switzerland: overview, Enforcement of Judgments and Arbitral Awards in Commercial Matters Global Guide, 5e éd., Practical Law, Thomson Reuters, London, 2019 (co-auteur)

Switzerland, The Asset Tracing and Recovery Review, 7ème éd., Law Business Research, Londres, 2019 (co-auteur)

Switzerland, The Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Review, 7ème éd., Law Business Research, Londres, décembre 2018 (co-auteur)

Suíça: como as novas regras de homologação de falências estrangeiras beneficiarão os credores Brasileiros (Switzerland: how new cross-border insolvency rules will benefit Brazilian creditors), A Insolvência, IBAJUD - Instituto Brasileiro de Administração Judicial, So Paulo, novembre 2018, pp. 22-25 (co-auteur)

Enforcement of judgments and arbitral awards in Switzerland: overviewEnforcement of Judgments and Arbitral Awards in Commercial Matters Global Guide, 4ème éd., Practical Law, Thomson Reuters, Londres, 2018 (co-auteur)

Switzerland: Improving Cooperation To Recover Assets In Cross-Border Insolvency Cases, Legal Era, Bombay, avril 2018 (co-auteur)

Switzerland, The Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Review, 6ème éd., Law Business Research, Londres, 2017 (co-auteur)

Switzerland - A new hope? The Swiss Government adopts its Dispatch to the Parliament on an amendment to the provisions governing recognition of foreign insolvencies, Lexology, 22 juin 2017 (co-auteur)

Enforcement of judgments and arbitral awards in Switzerland: overview, Enforcement of Judgments and Arbitral Awards in Commercial Matters Global Guide, 3ème éd., Practical Law, Thomson Reuters, Londres, 2017 (co-auteur) 

Switzerland, The Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Review, 5ème éd., Law Business Research, Londres, 2016 (auteur)

A Civil Perspective on Asset Recovery (with a focus on Swiss Law), The International Who’s Who of Asset Recovery Lawyers, Londres, 2014 (auteur)

Public Wrongs, Private Actions - Civil Lawsuits to Recover Stolen Assets, Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative (StAR), World Bank/UNODC, Washington, DC, 2014 (réviseur)

Emergence of the Mareva by Letter: banks' liability to noncustomer victims of fraud, Business Law International, Vol. 12, No 2, Mai 2011 (co-auteur)

The Puppet Masters: How the Corrupt Use Legal Structures to Hide Stolen Assets and What to Do About It, Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative (StAR), World Bank/UNODC, Washington, DC, 2011 (réviseur)

L’État requérant lésé par l’organisation criminelle : L’exemple des cas Abacha et Duvalier, Etat de droit et confiscation internationale, Edis, Genève, 2010 (co-auteur)

Switzerland, Asset Tracing & Recovery - The FraudNet World Compendium, Eric Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, 2009 (co-auteur)

The Abacha Case, Recovering Stolen Assets, Peter Lang, Berne, 2008 (co-auteur)

Switzerland, International Tracing of Assets, Sweet & Maxwell, Londres, 1996 (co-auteur)


Yves Klein est régulièrement invité à participer à des conférences internationales sur le thème du recouvrement international d’actifs, de la fraude et de la corruption.

Présentations passées:

16 mai 2024, FIRE International: Vilamoura 2024, ThoughtLeaders4:  From Freeze to Seize to Confiscation: How to Break the Deadlock on Asset Recovery; Effective Use of Enforcement Agencies and Criminal Tools to Aid Recovery

16 avril 2024, OffshoreAlert Conference on Intelligence, Investigations & Recovery, Miami: High-Value International Recovery: Ask Me Anything

15 mars 2024, Fraud, Asset Tracing & Recovery Conference, Geneva, C5: Critical Issues That Practitioners are Facing: A Recap of the Most Pressing Challenges in Fraud and Asset Recovery

7 décembre 2023, IBA  Asset Recovery Conference, International Bar Association, Vienne: Ingredients of a multifaceted asset recovery strategy

18 mai 2023, FIRE International: Vilamoura 2023ThoughtLeaders4, Ponzi Scheme Presumptions and Complex Structures: US, UK and Tracing Strategies

16 mars 2023, 17th Fraud, Asset Tracing & Recovery Conference-Geneva, C5: Bank and Financial Institution Liability for Failing to Spot or Prevent Fraud: When Can a Financial Institution Be Found Liable in Negligence for Failing to Prevent Fraud from a Customer or Shareholder 

2 décembre 2022, Informa Connect, Asset Recovery Americas, New York: Attachment orders, freezing orders, and other means of securing assets 

16 novembre 2022, Mondaq, Webinar: A Comparative Approach To Professional Secrecy And Attorney-Client Privilege In Criminal Proceedings (enregistrement disponible dans le lien)

28 octobre 2022, C5 Fraud, Asset Tracing & Recovery Miami: Cross-Border Insolvency and Restructuring as Mechanisms for Exposing Fraud and Recovering Assets

25 mars 2022, C5 Fraud, Asset Tracing & Recovery Conference GenevaSpotlight on Contentious Cross-Border Insolvency and Restructuring 

8 décembre 2021, vGlobal conference on intelligence and investigations for stakeholders in high-value cross-border finance, OffshoreAlert, Webinar: High-Value International Recovery (enregistrement disponible)

23 novembre 2021, Mondaq, Webinar: Actions by Insolvency Liquidators Against Banks, a Comparison Between the USA, England, Canada and Switzerland (enregistrement disponible)

22 octobre 2021, FIRE Starters ‘In London’Thought Leaders 4 | FIRE, Londres: Recovery and Enforcement - innovative ways to identify, recover and enforce against assets

23-24 septembre 2021, FIRE UK ‘Welcome Back’ Summit 2021Thought Leaders 4 | FIRE, Londres: Cross-border Civil & Insolvency Proceedings after Brexit: getting by with a little help from Criminal Proceedings

28-29 juin 2021, Forum on International Enforcement of Judgements & Awards (FIEJA), Webinar

21 juin 2021, FIRE & ICE: Freezing the Un-FreezableThought Leaders 4 | FIRE, Webinar

8-9 septembre 2021, UNCITRAL: Expert group meeting on civil asset tracing and recovery in the context of insolvency proceedings, Webinar

27 mai 2021, Asset Recovery America, Informa Connect, Webinar: Criminal investigations – do they help or hinder recovery?

25 mars 2021, Baker & Partners Masterclass Series, Webinar: Consultancy or Corruption? You Decide

23 mars 2021, 15th Fraud, Asset Tracing & Recovery Conference-Geneva, C5, Webinar: The Expected and Unexpected Evolution of Fraud and Ponzi Schemes, Litigation Challenges and Financial Picture for Law, Forensic and Asset Recovery Firms

7-8 décembre 2020, Forum on International Enforcement of Judgements & Awards (FIEJA), Cambridge Forums, Webinar.

4 décembre 2020, FIRE Year in Review: A Year Like no Other, FIRE, Webinar.

14 octobre 2020, Asset Recovery in Switzerland Mondaq, Webinar: A practical approach to cross-border insolvency.

12-13 octobre 2020, Asset Recovery Asia, Informa Connect, Webinar: Payback (or not, as the case may be).

6 décembre 2019, UNCITRAL Colloquium on Civil Asset Tracing and Recovery, Vienne: Real-life examples of the use of asset tracing and recovery tools in common law and civil law jurisdictions

18-20 septembre 2019, Asset Recovery America - KNect365 Law, New York: Offshore insolvency, onshore assets

25-26 juin 2019, 17th Annual IBA Anti-Corruption Conference, Paris: Asset recovery: the perennial problem of standing and explaining unexplained wealth orders (UWOs)

3 juin 2019, Asset Recovery Latin America - KNect365 Law, São Paulo: Follow the Money

3 mai 2019, ICC-FraudNet Meeting, Carthagène: Legal Issues and Ethical Challenges with Litigation Funding

30 avril 2019, OffshoreAlert Conference, Miami: How To Get Your Claim Financed by Litigation Funders

1er mars 2019, KNect 365, Asset Recovery: Fraud Litigation, Enforcement and Contentious Insolvency Conference, Dublin: Asset Protection Trusts: How to Break Them

26 octobre 2018, Brazilian Institute for Asset Recovery/Instituto Brasileiro de Rastreamento de Ativos (IBRA), 1st International Seminar on Asset Recovery as a Tool in Combating Fraud and Corruption/I Seminário Internacional sobre Rastreamento de Ativos come Ferramenta no Combate a Fraude e Corrupção, São Paulo: Conflict between criminal and insolvency proceedings/Conflito entre o procedimento criminal e falimentar

8 Octobre 2018, IBA Annual Conference, Rome: Mock Trial – The Briber’s Dilemma in Parallel Criminal, Arbitral and Civil Asset Recovery Proceedings (modérateur)

27 juin 2018, C5 12th International Conference on Anti-Corruption, Londres: Corruption and arbitration: risk and evidentiary issues

12-13 juin 2018, 16th Annual IBA Anti-Corruption Conference, Paris: How to recover assets but avoid confronting the corrupt politician directly

3-5 juin 2018, Forum on the International Enforcement of Judgements and Awards, Cambridge Forums

12 avril 2018, Paris Arbitration Week, 10th anniversary of ICC/La Française breakfast-debates: Arbitration, Corruption and Asset Recovery

21 mars 2018, C5 Anti-Corruption Conference Switzerland, Zurich: Arbitration and Corruption: Trends and Developments

11-12 janvier 2018, Dealing with Allegations of Economic Crime in Arbitration, Bâle: How to prove criminal conduct? Evidence issues

1 décembre 2017, Bijzonder Strafrecht, Anti-Corruption Conference,  Amsterdam: Asset recovery in international corruption cases

6 novembre 2017, IBA Latin American Anti-Corruption Enforcement and Compliance, São Paulo: Civil and insolvency asset recovery tools: an addition to criminal proceedings

10 octobre 2017, IBA Annual Conference, Sydney: Offshore structures as a barrier to recovery of assets from criminals.

29 juin 2017, C5 Anti-Corruption, Londres: Opportunities and Obstacles in Offshore Investigations

13-14 juin 2017, 15th Annual IBA Anti-Corruption Conference, Paris: Asset recovery: role and standing of victims of corruption in criminal proceedings, notably in the context of structured  criminal settlements.

3 mai 2017, Florida International University College of Law 2nd Annual Conference on the Fight against Corruption and Impunity, Miami: Pluses and Minuses of Government-to-Government or Criminal-Based Asset Recovery et Case Studies of Successful Civil Asset Recoveries.

1-2 mai 2017, OffshoreAlert Conference, Miami: Strategies to Obtain Information in Offshore Jurisdictions

14-15 novembre 2016, OffshoreAlert Conference, Londres: Strategies to Obtain Information in Offshore Jurisdictions

18-23 septembre 2016, IBA Annual Conference, Anti-Corruption Committee, Washington, DC

27 juin 2016, ICC FraudNet - 1° Simpósio sobre Falência Transnacional e Recuperação de Ativos, Rio de Janeiro: Homologação de Falências Estrangeiras na Suíça e Participação em Processos Penais

24 juin 2016, Florida International University College of Law, The Fight Against Corruption and Impunity in 2016 and Beyond, Miami: Effective Recovery of the Proceeds of Corruption – A Legal Perspective and Case Studies

14-15 juin 2016, 14th Annual IBA Anti-Corruption Conference, Paris: Asset Recovery Case Study

1-3 mai 2016, 14th OffshoreAlert Conference, Miami: ‘You Can’t Run a Ponzi Scheme without a Bank’ – The Victims Strike Back

12-13 novembre 2015, Academy & Finance - Le nouveau tournant de la place financière suisse, Genève: L’entraide judiciaire internationale : quels sont les pouvoirs des juges en pratique ?

2 octobre 2015, ICC FraudNet Conference on Fraud, Corruption and Asset Recovery, Vienne: Case Study – Potential Liability of Banks

10-11 juin 2015, 13th Annual IBA Anti-Corruption Conference, Paris: Developments in civil asset recovery

17 octobre 2014, ICC FraudNet Conference on Fraud, Asset Recovery & Cross-Border Cooperation, Bangkok: Recovery In Complex International Cases, A Case Study

3-4 juin 2014, 12th Annual IBA Anti-Corruption Conference, Paris: Success stories – real life examples of successful corruption asset recovery

6-8 novembre 2013, 3rd Annual São Paulo Conference on Fraud, Asset Recovery & Cross-Border Insolvency Cooperation, São Paulo: Asset Recovery in Corruption Cases – Case Studies

28 septembre 2012, ICC FraudNet Conference, Fall 2012, Dublin: Circumventing Bank Secrecy in Fraud Cases

13 mai 2011, 7 Bedford Row Trust Busting Seminar, Londres: Trust Busting in Switzerland

11 mars 2011, ICC FraudNet Conference, Spring 2011, Hong Kong: Dealing with Corruption - New Approaches in Tracking and Attacking Stolen Assets

30 novembre – 2 décembre 2011, 1st Conference on International Fraud & Asset Recovery and Trans‐Border Insolvency Cooperation (College of Public Attorneys of Sao Paulo) / 1º Seminário sobre: fraude internacional e recuperação de ativos e cooperação transnacional de insolvência (Escola Superior do Ministério Público de São Paulo), São Paulo: Cases, problems & solutions: The TRT Case – The forfeiture of the assets of Nicolau Dos Santos Neto in Switzerland / Casos - Problemas e Soluções: Caso TRT: o confisco dos bens de Nicolau dos Santos Neto na Suíça

1 octobre 2010, ICC FraudNet Conference, Fall 2010, Calgary: Developments in the new Swiss Codes of Civil and Criminal Procedure Affecting Fraud Recovery

15 octobre 2008, IBA Annual Conference, Anti-Corruption Committee, Buenos Aires: Recovery of looted assets - Switzerland

Domaines d’activités

Contentieux :

  • recouvrement international d’actifs
  • procédures civiles complexes
  • faillites internationales
  • reconnaissance de sentences arbitrales et de jugements étrangers
  • entraide judiciaire internationale en matière civile et pénale
  • droit pénal économique

Droit international des affaires